Monday, December 10, 2007

Your eBay Store: Customize This!

If you are thinking about becoming an eBay affiliate
marketer, there is no easier way to be successful with
this venture than to have the proper tools to work with.

There IS a tool that has been developed to help you
not only build eBay stores but they will offer you
support in making sure you come out the winner!

Here are some of the features at your disposal when
you use the innovative tool called Build A Niche Store.

***Store Development***

Once you have built your basic store every aspect of it is
completely customizable from inside your admin panel.

***Home Page***

The WYSIWYG html editor. (is there anything easier?)
Add content to your home page as quickly as snapping
your fingers.

***Store Pages***

Get a load of these features...things you can do:

**Create new store pages.

**Delete store pages (including multiple delete feature).

**Re-order your store navigation.

**Edit the title tag, meta tags, page names and
URL addresses for better keyword targeting.

**Add content above the product listing to pre-sell
products using the WYSIWYG html editor.

**Incorporate more related eBay categories into your store.

***Content Pages***

**Create new content pages with, yup.. WYSIWYG html editor.

**Edit the title tag, meta tags, page names and URL addresses
for better keyword targeting.

**Delete content pages (including multiple delete feature).

**Re-order your content navigation. (am I repeating myself?)

**Have an "open" (view all pages and sub-pages) or
"closed" (hierarchical page structure) content page navigation.


**Modify your selected template header, footer and
CSS style sheet to make your store unique. YES! One of a kind!

**Upload a new logo for your site. Whee!

**Upload and select a new template.


**Place supplementary ads to the left, right, above or below
your store's product listings for additional monetizing of your visitors.

Whew! I have to lie down now. Mercy. That Kelvin and Adam are
the Kings of Monetization!

What more can I say? Take a look!

Better hurry. Christmas is coming. BTW,
this makes a great Christmas gift! (hint, hint)