Monday, December 17, 2007

eBay Affiliate Marketing: What A Travel Site Can Do With "Build A Niche Store"

Below is an article I wrote on what
travel site owners or travel bloggers
could do with Build A Niche Store.
If articles bore you, cut to the chase
and scroll down past this post. (wink)

Since 1997, travel agencies were feeling the
sting of "cutting out the middleman". Why?
The internet, of course. When travelers are
planning their trips, the first place they
search for information is online.

What was bad news for the "bricks and mortar"
travel agency, was good news for the
entrepreneurs. Many travel agents set up their
own home based business. They could offer
other travel products like train adventures,
safaris and cruises.

Still more crafty home based business owners
started travel web sites and affiliated with
other travel related businesses offering lodging,
vacation packages, flights, you name it!

And, let's not forget the weblogs. Better known
as blogs. These travel sites are a trip in
themselves! If you can't get away and need to
have a virtual respite, just go online. Search for
any destination in the world and you will find
a travel site to indulge your senses.

There are many enterprising bloggers out
there. Some have a blog about the place they
live. It doesn't have to be exotic. Don't forget
the business travelers. They want to know
about the shopping, dining and entertainment
spots in the city or town they are visiting.

Some vacationers are so enthralled by a certain
place they simply want to share their knowledge
and passion with others who are thinking of
traveling to the same area. Who better to take
advice from than someone who knows your
vacation spot like the back of their passport?

Now, putting envy aside, how about those lucky
souls who actually live year-round in those
exotic locales? If it were you, wouldn't putting
up a website or blog about your little piece of
paradise sound like a winner?

Look at the retirees who are fortunate enough
to escape the cold or the rat race. And have
retired to a warmer, kinder place. How many of
us want to know the details of retiring to such a
state or country? So, they are putting up websites
and selling ebooks!

Now, my happy wanderer, where do you fit in?
Are you part of the wave of entrepreneurs who
have travel sites? Maybe you've been thinking
of starting an online travel blog. Or, you've just
slapped yourself on the forehead and said,
"I could do that!"

Whether it's a passionate hobby or you want
to make money with your love of travel, you want
to offer your visitors an experience they will
never forget.

Picture this if you could offer your travelers:

* a deal on a bed-and-breakfast in Normandy
* an African safari
* a secluded tropical beach with maid service
* a thrilling ski trip in the French Alps
* a view of the pyramids
* the cruise of a lifetime

You're feeling it, aren't you? Anything anybody
could possibly want. Even luggage, clothes and
all travel-related products. You could give it to
them. How? What is this be-all, have-all magical

eBay! Only the #1 ecommerce site in the world!
For good reason. It deserves a second look. Do
you smell that? Hmmm, tropical flowers, I think.

(c) 2007 Karen Cook