Thursday, November 22, 2007

Internet Marketing: NO...It's Not As Easy As They Want You To Believe!

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans, wherever
you happen to be in the world today!

OK, you've been researching online for some time
now about making money on the internet. Maybe
you've even spent a lot of your hard-earned money
on some of the products you've come across.

Either eBooks or software. Some make-money-
online products may have taught you solid information.
Some may have been crap that were thrown together
just to rip YOU off and fatten the seller's bank account.

Yes...people ARE making money online. Yes, people
ARE getting rich on the internet. Is everyone getting
rich online? NO!

Don't you love the sales pages that tell you that you
can earn a gazillion dollars online by working 2-3 hours
a week??? Give us a break! If anything was that easy,
everyone with an internet connection would be
millionaires! Last time I looked around, that wasn't
the case.

No, it is NOT easy. It takes work. There will be times
you feel like giving up in frustration because it IS hard
work. Make no mistake about it.

If it is in your blood to make money online and you're
not afraid of WORKING your business, start small and
build your internet marketing business.

Many start with affiliate marketing. This is where you
make a commission when a product you promote SELLS.
This provides a great learning experience in the world
of online marketing. And, you'll find out if it really IS
something you'd like to continue with.

To get the best of all possible worlds, there are savvy
marketers who affiliate with the top ecommerce site
in the world. That would be eBay!

It's a great way to learn about internet marketing and
start to earn money online. See if combining affiliate
marketing and eBay could work for you...

What have you got to lose?