Show of hands, please. How many
people have not heard of YouTube?
Can this phenomenon be any more earth-
shattering? I only have one fault with YouTube.
Why didn't I think of that???
I really got a sense of how big YouTube is
when some kids came into the library and told
me I'd have to check out their video.
"What video?" I asked. "The one of us playing our
guitars that we just put up on YouTube," they
replied innocently.
I was gobsmacked! These kids are using YouTube?
When I was their age, I was playing with EtchASketch!
And so is the power of YouTube Online Video!
The video revolution is here. As marketers, we will
look pretty dumb if we don't take advantage of it.
If you want to advertise you eBay business with
a medium that plays over 200 million video clips a
day, what are you waiting for? It's time to jump
on board.
Get TubePros and learn the secrets, tricks and
strategies few marketers are aware of. But that won't
last for long!
Go here right now and be prepared to get excited!