Monday, May 12, 2008

Family Activities Night Turns Into Home Based Money Maker

If you read the post below, you'll see a list of the
potential users of this software.

But, there's now one group missing that I'd like
to talk about. That group is the family!

Trying to find precious family time in our busy
lives is becoming more and more difficult. Not
only are WE busier, it seems. But so are the kids!

Kids with day-planners! Who knew?

Families need to bond. Many will set one night a
week aside for "family night". That means everyone
makes a date and they are together for one evening.

That's easy when you have younger children. Not so,
when you're talking teenagers! There's a lot of
competition for their time and attention.

Well, there are families who hit on one of the
best ideas for "family night" that I've heard about
in a long time.

We all know kids love computers and anything to
do with them. Heck, if we knew as much as they
know about computers, we'd be all set.

Kids also like a computer challenge. To prove
themselves a problem-fixer and of course, to
one-up dear old Mom & Dad.

Kids, especially teenagers, love money. They
must have the latest music and clothes. We'd
rather they earned this money themselves...

Now there's software that takes all of this into
consideration. (It blows me away) Not only can
this software compete with their computer games
but it satisfies all their passions.

The whole family can take part in this activity.
You can all work together on the same thing or
"game" as I like to call it.

Or you can team up or compete against each
other. You can use your hobbies or passions as
a "game piece". And go from there...

Your family will be having so much fun with this
game, they won't even realize how many life-skills
they are learning!

The least of which is entrepreneurship. Which they
don't get in schools. And will certainly do them a
world of good out there in the real world.

Grab some time and your imagination. Look what
this software can provide you and your family.
The only may not get the kids OUT
of the house when you wish they would!

Build eBay Affiliate Stores That Make You Money

...Looking at Family Activities In The 21st Century...