Saturday, March 29, 2008

How Do You Build A Niche Store?

Build eBay Affiliate Stores That Make You Money

The good news is that it is easy and fast
to build your own eBay niche store. Or
many eBay stores.

Members report a serious addiction once
they have created their first eBay store
using the Build A Niche Store affiliate
website builder.

To build a niche store you simply enter
the eBay category number of the niche you
want to target into the setup area of your
admin panel (ie: 6024 for a Used Motorcycle
Store, or 1513 for a Golf Store) and then
BANS will instantly create a professional,
fully functional, search engine friendly
website containing all of those eBay listed
products relevant to your chosen niche market.

It is important to note that by using the
development features of the software you can
go way beyond this base of 80,000 and create
completely custom stores which cut across one
or more of eBay's categories or which target
niche markets that the eBay category structure
does not already cover.

Once you enter the world of creating custom
stores the actual number of eBay affiliate
stores that can be built with BANS can not
be calculated!

Your only limit is the 60+ million different
types of products that these four national
contain and your own creativity
in isolating and then marketing them.

You will be a total original in the internet
marketing world!

This website builder created by Kelvin and
Adam Firminger
is innovative and an absolute
essential tool if you plan on making money
on eBay as an affiliate.

Partner up with eBay and Build A Niche Store!

Build eBay Affiliate Stores That Make You Money