Saturday, December 8, 2007

Niche Marketing: Via eBay Not Adsense

Do you market to a niche? Maybe you have your
own product and you monetize your website with

Maybe you have a blog where you provide useful
content to a certain niche population and AdSense
provides you with money.

As Dr. Phil would say, "So how's that working for ya?"
Better for you than me, I hope. I checked my AdSense
report this morning. Guess I'll cancel my trip. With
the grand total of $6.32 I won't be going anywhere on

AdSense Niche Marketing Is Over...eBay Niche Marketing Has Begun!

My theory is this. We've become visually overwhelmed. We don't
even notice those ads anymore. So what should we do if we
want to optimize our website or blog? Test and track. See
what gives you a better ROI.

AdSense Niche Marketing Is Over...eBay Niche Marketing Has Begun!

Imagine your visitors showing up at your site. They read your
content. Then they see an eBay store. Right there on your site!
Well, I'll be gobsmacked, they think. Shopping! Yahoo!

Picture this. Say for example you have a travel blog or website, ok?
What if your visitor decides they would like to book a hotel for
their next vacation. To Tahiti. They can get all that accomplished
at your site. And guess who makes a commission? YOU!

Then there's airfare. Oh and they also could use some new luggage.
Are you getting the picture? Can AdSense do all that for you?

Whatever your niche market happens to be...there is an opportunity
to make money on eBay if you go about it in the right way.
How? There's an innovative tool to help you do just that. You don't
have to stop at one shop or boutique, either.

No sireebobbie! Your one-time fee gives you unlimited access to
a goldmine. Not only that but you get tremendous support from
the developers of this awesome tool.

If you have a niche, isn't it time you scratched it? The itch
stops here...

AdSense Niche Marketing Is Over...eBay Niche Marketing Has Begun!

Let the magic begin,